Thursday, January 27, 2011

Lady Science Nails It

Sure, there are some pretty talented entertainers out there. I don't actually know who they are, since I don't watch movies, or TV, or listen to much modern music. But other people do and I heard on NPR that it's Grammy time. So, somebody must be entertaining to a lot of people. Instead of pop culture, I've spent 5 years of my life in grad school. The first year and a half I pretty much hit my head against a pink cinder block wall, wondering how I possibly got stuck with such a horrid project. I wasn't even sure how to express such a sentiment without looking like (a) a brat (b) ungrateful for my admission and TA position or (c) un-science worthy.

But, here it is. Nailed it.

Done by the Zheng Lab at BCM. They do real work on Alzheimer's Disease.

Fortunately, some people have a sense of humor about their not-entertaining work. A good-natured attitude will go far in project (stress) management. Good for them!

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